How can I charge my clients per-visit for a session with one-time payment?

This article provides instructions on how to charge clients on a per-visit basis for sessions with a one-time payment.

Full Session Payment Plans with Per-Visit Pricing |


To charge your clients per-visit for sessions with one-time payment, watch the video above or follow the steps below.


To create a full session payment plan calculated as a variable rate based on number of visits, navigate to your Services page and click UPDATE on the service to which you wish to add this payment plan.




Then, navigate to the PAYMENT tab and click the edit button (the pencil icon).




Scroll down and click CREATE PAYMENT PLAN




Select Full Session Payment as your payment plan template.




Under "How much should be charged?" specify the per-visit (i.e. per session date) price.




Make sure to select "Variable rate based on number of visits" under "How is it charged?"




Make sure to configure the remainder of your payment plan settings as necessary. Once complete, click Add Class-Payment Plan.




Then, click "UPDATE SERVICE" to finalize your changes. 




Your full session payment plan with variable pricing is now ready for enrollment. When selecting this plan at checkout, your enrollment quote will be priced dynamically based on number of visits/session dates in a given session.

