Going Live: How do my clients log in/set a password for the first time?

This article explains how your students/staff gain access to your Opus1.io portal

As a part of going live, we recommend that you send an announcement email using Batch Email from the main schedule which includes directions on logging in for the first time and your business's login page URL


First, your clients will need to visit your business's login page. You can find your login page URL by clicking "Logout" in the top-right corner of your Opus1.io.




Then, your clients will:

A) click Login with Google if they have a Gmail account, or

B) enter their email on file (same one they had on your previous software) and click "Get Login Link by Email", which will send a login link to their email that is valid for 30 minutes.

Note that the starter subscription for Opus1.io does not include Google Login.


Once a client has logged in via login link, they can set a login password by clicking 'Change Password.'  The password they set here will be what they use to login moving forward if not logging in with Google.
