PLUS - Email Campaigns: Verifying Your Domain

Enabling and verifying your domain is required in order to use the PLUS email campaigns feature.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: as of February 1st 2024, Gmail and Yahoo (2 of the world's largest email providers) have announced that they will enforce stronger email domain verification requirements and spam filtering requirements. It is extremely important that you follow the steps below to re-verify your domain. See details below.

Why do I need to enable my email domain? And what are DKIM/SPF/DMARC?

  • Email is an easy target for malicious actors. They can forge emails to make them look like they're coming from a legitimate source.
  • For businesses and email marketing campaigns, it's vital that emails are trusted by recipients. This trust ensures better engagement rates and protects the brand's reputation.
  • Without domain verification (which is done through a standards such as DKIM/SPF/DMARC), email services might flag emails sent by on your behalf as spam or phishing attempts. This can lead to poor deliverability rates, meaning fewer of your emails land in the intended inboxes. This is why domain verification is required by email campaigns.
  • By using verified domain (through DKIM/SPF/DMARC) with, you're telling email services, "This email is genuinely coming from my domain, and it's safe for the recipient." This increases the chances of your emails being delivered successfully.

In conclusion: If you're using for email marketing or any similar purpose, setting up DKIM/SPF/DMARC is crucial. It acts as a stamp of authenticity, ensuring that your emails are both trusted by email services and, more importantly, by the people you're trying to reach.

Verifying a domain identity with your DNS provider plus makes it easy for your to setup Domain verification through DKIM, SPF and DMARC

  1. To Verify A Domain:  

    1. Get the Email Domain DNS CNAME records from by adding the domain/URL you want to use when sending emails on your behalf.

      Navigate to Business > choose the 'Integrations' tab > click the pencil icon in the 'Email domain' section > 'Add Domain' > enter your domain/URL


    2. Add the CNAME, MX and TXT records of your DNS host provider to your domain’s DNS settings:

      • If you know your DNS provider, login to your domain’s DNS or web hosting provider, and then add the CNAME records containing the values that you copied or saved previously. Different providers have different procedures for updating DNS records. See the DNS/Hosting provider table below. 

      • If you're not sure who your DNS provider is, ask your system administrator for more information.

  2. It can take up to 72 hours for changes to DNS settings to propagate. As soon as detects all of the required DKIM records in your domain’s DNS settings, the verification process is complete. Your domain’s DKIM/SPF/DMARC configuration appears as Successful and the Identity status appears as Verified.

The following table includes links to the documentation for a few widely used DNS providers. This list isn't exhaustive and doesn't signify endorsement; likewise, if your DNS provider isn't listed, it doesn't imply you can't use the domain with


DNS/Hosting provider Documentation link


Add a CNAME record (external link)


How do I add custom DNS records? (external link)


Managing DNS records in Cloudflare (external link)


Manage DNS Records with HostGator/eNom (external link)


How do I add TXT/SPF/DKIM/DMARC records for my domain?  (external link)

Changing your domains DNS Settings (external link)


Adding or Updating CNAME Records in Your Wix Account (external link)


Feb 1st 2024 - Important Update

If you have already verified your domain prior to reading this - your domain is likely showing as "Partially verified" in As of February 1st, 2024, major email providers (Gmail and Yahoo) are enforcing stronger domain verification requirements to reduce spam.

This means that before sending large email campaigns, you will have to re-verify your email domain. The good news is is making it as easy as possible for you to to do so. It will require removing your verified domain, re-adding it, and updating your DNS with more records. The ones you have added before (DKIM) will not change and don't need to modified, but additional (MX  and TXT) records are now required for SPF and DMARC verification.


  1. Navigate to Business > choose the 'Integrations' tab > click the pencil icon in the 'Email domain' section > 'Remove Domain' > enter your domain/URL

  2. Then, click 'Add Domain', and follow the same steps (above)


