Customizing Limited Staff Permissions provides the flexibility to customize the permissions granted to your limited staff members. You have the ability to customize and tailor their permissions based on your specific needs.

Custom Permissions For Limited Staff allows you to customize the permissions granted to your limited staff. By customizing your limited staff's permissions, you can enable (or disable) them to:

    • Take attendance for their own lessons
    • View contact information of their own clients and their account managers
    • Update the location, room, and time of their own clients' appointments individually or on a recurring basis.  They can also update the date of the lesson on an individual lesson basis (not recurring).
    • Cancel their own clients' appointments
    • Communicate with their own clients via client comments

Note: limited staff cannot update the day of an appointment on a recurring basis.

Note: by default, limited staff are enabled to post comments to the client comments section of their own clients.



Customizing Permissions For Limited Staff  

To customize your limited staff's permissions, navigate to their staff profile and click Update Profile, then scroll down.




Under the Staff Role section you will see a list of 5 settings with toggles (make sure that "Limited Staff" is selected as Staff Role).




1. Can view own client's contact information - this toggle enables/disables your limited staff to view the phone numbers, email addresses, and mailing addresses of their own clients (and their account managers).

2. Can take attendance for own appointments/sessions - this toggle enables/disables your limited staff to take attendance for appointments they teach up to one hour before the appointment's start time.

3. Can post own client comments- this toggle enables/disables your limited staff to communicate with their own clients (and their account managers) by posting to their clients' client comments.

4. Can update own client's appointments - this toggle enables/disables your limited staff to update the location, room, date, and time of their clients' appointments. Location, room, and date can be updated on a recurring basis.

5. Can cancel own client's appointments - this toggle enables/disables your limited staff to cancel their clients' appointments.

They can choose Staff Cancellation or Client Cancellation


Once you are finished customizing permissions for your limited staff, scroll down and click Update Staff to save your changes.