Understanding Client Lifetime Metrics

This article explains the ways Opus1.io measures client lifetime metrics and how those metrics are calculated.

It is useful to see at a glance the lifetime of a given student. By lifetime, we mean how long the student has been an active member of the school. This value can be calculated in 4 different ways, which can all be relevant.

There are multiple calculations available in order to handle more complex cases where students may, over time, have had multiple subscriptions that may have overlapped or not, including cases where there may have been long breaks in between subscriptions.

The majority of students will usually have a single streak of overlapping or consecutive subscriptions in which case the 4 metrics will actually be the same value. And that will be the only value displayed in the user interface on the client profile.

Lifetime Latest Uninterrupted (Days)

This is the total number of uninterrupted days for the latest period of time a student was an active member. This is the metric most schools usually care about. 

Lifetime Interrupted (Days)

This is is the total number of days while a student was an active member including interruptions, i.e. the number of days from the start of their first subscription to the end of their last subscription, including any gaps in between.

Lifetime Longest Uninterrupted (Days)

This is the total number of days of the longest uninterrupted period of time during which a client was an active subscriber. 

Lifetime Active Subscriber (Days)

This is the total number of days during which a client was an active member, without counting interruptions between subscriptions. Put another way, this is Lifetime Interrupted (Days) minus any gaps between active subscriptions.



At a glance, a client's profile will only show the Lifetime Interrupted (Days) and Lifetime Latest Uninterrupted (Days) values, however all four values are available through the client CSV export available on the All Clients page. If those two values are the same, only one will be displayed in the client profile.


Here is a simple example: