Conversions Stats

Conversions stats provide an overview for all "converting" services (i.e Trials) that were provided in the past 30 days and the conversion status.

At the top of the Conversions Stats page, you will see stats for all conversions in the last 30 days.  

Note: only counts as conversions instances when a student enrolled in a service for which conversion tracking is enabled and converted to an applicable service.




Appointments - the number of appointments currently listed on the page.

Self Booked - the number of self-booked appointments currently listed on the page. Conversions - the number of appointments currently listed on the page that converted to a valid service. 

Conversions (Same Staff) - the number of appointments currently listed on the page that converted to a valid service with the same staff member.

Rate - the percentage of appointments currently listed on the page that converted to a valid service. 

Rate (Same Staff) - the percentage of appointments currently listed on the page that converted to a valid service with the same staff member. 

Automated Conversions

If you have Automated Conversions enabled for your appointment services, tracks whether the conversion prompt was sent in the column labeled Conversion Prompt Sent. If the conversion prompt could not be sent, whether due to conflicts or location unavailability, hovering will yield the reason the prompt was not sent:  
