Configuring Inbound Webhooks

Webhooks are a powerful tool for automating data transfer between applications. They allow one system to send real-time data to another when a specific event occurs, without the need for manual intervention or polling.


Introduction to Webhooks

Webhooks are a powerful tool for automating data transfer between applications. They allow one system to send real-time data to another when a specific event occurs, without the need for manual intervention or polling. In the case of, inbound webhooks enable external systems to send student and parent information to our platform.

How to Configure Inbound Webhooks

  1. Prepare Your Webhook Payload
    Ensure that your external system is configured to send a POST request to the designated webhook URL. The payload must include the supported fields listed below.

  2. Send Data to the Webhook URL
    Once your payload is ready, your external system should send the data to the inbound webhook URL. If webhooks are enabled for your business, this URL can be found under Business > Integrations > Webhooks.

    To obtain your inbound webhooks URL, click + Add Webhook, then select Inbound Webhook as the webhook type, give your webhook a name, and click Update Business to save. Your inbound webhook URL can be copied from the Webhook URL field shown below.

  3. Verify Data
    After the webhook is triggered, the system will automatically process the incoming data and create a new student and parent record based on the received information. Double-check that all required fields are included and correctly formatted.

Supported Fields for Inbound Webhooks supports the following fields for inbound webhooks, which must be included in the payload when sending data to our platform:

Student Information:

  • student_first_name
  • student_last_name
  • student_email
  • student_status
  • student_primary_phone
  • student_street
  • student_zip_code
  • student_city
  • student_state
  • student_country
  • student_birthdate
  • student_note
  • student_tags

Parent Information (Parent 1):

  • parent1_first_name
  • parent1_last_name
  • parent1_email
  • parent1_status
  • parent1_primary_phone
  • parent1_street
  • parent1_zip_code
  • parent1_city
  • parent1_state
  • parent1_country
  • parent1_birthdate
  • parent1_note

Ensure that the data being sent is properly formatted and aligned with these field names to ensure smooth integration.

Important Notes

  • Supported Triggers: Currently, only supports the client_create trigger for inbound webhooks. This means that webhooks can be used to create a new student and/or parent (i.e. dependents and account manager) record in our platform when data is received from external systems.

  • Third-Party Platform Configuration: While fully supports inbound webhooks, we cannot assist in configuring or troubleshooting webhooks coming from third-party systems. Please refer to the documentation of the external service you're using to configure the webhook for integration with

  • Error Handling: If a webhook fails (due to missing or incorrect data), the external system should handle the error gracefully and reattempt sending the correct information.


Inbound webhooks on provide an efficient way to automate the creation of new student and parent records in real time. By ensuring that your payload includes the correct fields and is triggered by a client_create event, you can easily integrate third-party systems with

For further information or troubleshooting, please refer to our [Support Documentation] or contact your third-party platform provider for assistance. Support support cannot assist in configuring third-party platforms or webhook integrations. Please consult your third-party provider for specific setup instructions.