Configuring Default Client and Staff Notifications

This article provides guidance on configuring the default notification settings for staff and client profiles on

How to set default notification settings for email and SMS for your clients and staff.

Configuring Default Client & Staff Notifications


You can configure the default notification settings when staff and client profiles are created on your


To change the default notification settings for your clients and staff members, navigate to your Business settings. Under the General tab, scroll down to the Default Notifications section and click the Edit button (the pencil icon).




Here you can edit the default notification settings for your client and staff profiles.

These default settings will be enforced when client & staff profiles are created and will not affect existing client/staff profiles.

Clients can edit their notification settings in their profiles.

Staff cannot update their own default notifications; managers or owners must update their staff's individual notification settings.

When you are finished setting default notifications for your business's clients and staff, click the Update Business button to save your changes.



If you would like us to batch update your existing clients' and staff's notification settings, please contact us at


To learn step-by-step how to configure default notifications settings for your clients & staff, please watch the video above.