How do I configure client lifecycle statuses for trial appointments?

This article explains the automatic assignment of client lifecycle statuses for trial appointments and's recommended statuses for trial appointment booking, attendance, and cancellation.

Client Lifecycle Statuses currently supports the following client lifecycle statuses:

  • Member
  • Member Lost
  • Lifetime Member
  • Prospect (new)
  • Prospect (trial)
  • Prospect (trial follow up)
  • Prospect (follow up)
  • Prospect (lost)
  • Prospect (sleep)


For trial appointments, recommends setting the following statuses to be automatically assigned through the client lifecycle. 

  • Prospect (trial) should be assigned to Client lifecycle status after booking. This status will be automatically assigned at booking and indicates that a client has an upcoming trial appointment.
  • Prospect (trial follow up) should be assigned to Client lifecycle status after attending. This status will be automatically assigned when attendance is taken for the trial appointment and indicates to follow up with the client now that their trial is complete.
  • Prospect (follow up) should be assigned to Client lifecycle status after cancellation. This status will be automatically assigned if and when the trial appointment is cancelled and indicates to follow up with the client because their trial did not happen. 

Note that PLUS customers can customize the default statuses, though we still recommend differentiating your statuses according to the above client lifecycle to easily track clients from client creation --> trial booked --> convert to ongoing appointments. 


Some of the above client statuses are assigned automatically. 

Member is automatically assigned to any client with a pending/active subscription that offers membership (as determined by a service's payment plan settings).

Member Lost is automatically assigned when a client's last active subscription ends.

Prospect (new) is the default status assigned to any new client profile. When account managers and dependents are created together, only the dependent receives Prospect (new) status; the account manager receives no status. PLUS customers can change the default status assigned at client account creation.