Client Automated Email Notifications

Client Automated Email Notifications in play an essential role in keeping your clients informed and engaged. These automated notifications include appointment/session reminders, confirmations, cancellations, updates, conversions, follow-ups sends automated notifications to your clients.

Some of these notifications - such as appointment/session reminders, appointment/session confirmations, appointment/session cancellations, appointment/session updates, automated conversions, automated follow-ups, and proposals - are customizable.


This article is not exhaustive of every notification your clients might receive from, but it covers all the base cases.


In this article, we cover:

1. Appointment / Session Reminders

2. Appointment / Session Confirmation

3. Appointment / Session Cancellation

4. Appointment / Session Update

5. Automated Conversions

6. Automated Follow-Ups

7. Proposals

8. Subscription End

9. Appointment Waitlist Notification

10. Birthday Message 


Note: All notification emails sent to your clients are also sent to their account managers, if applicable.

Appointment / Session Reminders

Your clients receive a reminder email for their upcoming appointments and sessions.

In the example below, the highlighted text is customizable using the Reminder email email template.

Reminder emails are sent a specified amount of time prior to the start of your clients' appointments/sessions according to the time specified in your service's Calendar settings.



Appointment / Session Confirmation

Your clients receive an email confirming their appointment/session booking.

In the example below, the highlighted text is customizable using the Confirmation email email template.

Confirmation emails are sent as soon as your client is enrolled in an appointment/session and always include the details of their booked appointment/session.



Appointment / Session Cancellation

Your clients receive an email notification when their appointments/sessions are canceled.

In the example below, the highlighted text is customizable using the Cancellation email email template.

Cancellation emails always include the name of your client's canceled appointment/session.



Appointment / Session Update

Whenever the details of your clients' upcoming appointments/sessions are updated your client will receive an email notifying them of any changes made to their schedule.

You have the option to leave a Notification message when you are updating your clients' appointments/sessions that will be included in the body of the email notification. The details of the update(s) to your clients' schedules are always included in the body of the email notification.


In the below example, the Notification message is highlighted.




In the case of updating your clients' appointments/sessions to assign a substitute teacher, your client will also receive an email notification containing an introduction to their substitute teacher.


In the example below, Steve Vai has been assigned as a substitute teacher in an appointment update.


Automated Conversions

When automated conversions are enabled, your client will receive a notification email following the completion of a trial lesson containing a link to a proposal for recurring lessons if that time/day/teacher is also available on an ongoing basis.


In the example below, the highlighted text is customizable using the Automated Conversions Email email template.

Automated conversion notifications always include the details of the proposed service (date, time, teacher, etc.) and a price quote. 




When your client clicks REVIEW AND ACCEPT above, they will be redirected to a self-booking portal with the details of their proposed recurring lesson plan (see picture below).

This self-booking portal is automatically populated with the details contained in the automated conversion email and requires your client to accept the terms and conditions associated with your services and provide payment information before booking.



Automated Follow-Ups

When automated follow-ups are enabled, clients will receive a notification email once attendance has been taken for an appointment/session.

Automated follow-ups are enabled on a per-service basis. If automated conversions and automated follow-ups are enabled for the same service, the automated follow-up email will only be sent if the automated conversion email cannot be sent due to schedule conflicts or location unavailability.





You can send a client a proposal for appointments.

When you send a proposal, you will have the option to include a one-time message, highlighted in the picture below.

The rest of a proposal email is populated with the details of the proposal - date/time/teacher/service - and a price quote for that proposal.




When your client clicks REVIEW AND ACCEPT above, they will be redirected to a self-booking portal with the details of their proposal (see picture below).

This self-booking portal is automatically populated with the details contained in the proposal email and requires your client to accept the terms and conditions associated with your services and provide payment information before booking.




Subscription End

When your clients' subscriptions have set to end, they will receive a notification email informing them that their subscription has been set to end on the specified date, and this notification is also sent to your client's account managers and the primary instructor for that subscription.


Subscription end notifications do not allow you to provide a custom message.




Appointment Waitlist Notification

When your clients are enrolled in our Appointment Waitlist Notifications (what's this?) feature they will receive an email notification whenever an appointment slot matching the provided criteria opens up.

This email is sent to the client and their account managers.

Here, clients and their account managers can select one of the available slots.

They will be then redirected to your where they can complete their booking. Clients and their account managers can unsubscribe from Appointment Waitlist Notifications at any time.



Birthday Message can send your clients a message on their birthdays.

The highlighted portion below is the customizable portion of the automated birthday email.