Can my staff leave a note for my students when updating the students' schedules?

This article explains how staff members can leave notes for students when updating their schedules in Staff with the appropriate permissions can add a note while making changes to a client's appointments or sessions.

How to leave a note when updating your clients' appointments and sessions.


Users with staff-level permissions can leave a note when updating your clients' schedules. To update your client's schedule, navigate to their profile page and click the Update button on an item on their Upcoming Schedule.




To leave a note after updating your client's schedule, type your note in the Notification Message text box. When you're done, click the Update button.




Once you have saved the changes to your client's schedule, your client, their account managers, and the instructor for the lesson will receive an email notification with the contents of the Notification Message. The Notification Message will be displayed at the bottom of the email.

