Can I set the start date of my clients' subscriptions?

The article addresses the ability to set the start date of clients' subscriptions in This setting is configured individually for each payment plan and can be managed within the service settings.


In, you can decide whether your clients' subscriptions will start 'on the date of their first lesson' or, alternatively, 'on the date of their first lesson or first of month if their first scheduled appointment or session is during the first week of the month'.


This setting is determined on a per-payment plan basis. You can manage this setting in your services' settings.


To decide when your clients' subscriptions will start, navigate to Services (Settings > Services) and select a service by clicking the Update button. 



Navigate to your service's payment plan settings under the Payment tab and click the edit button (the pencil icon).




Then, select a payment plan to update by clicking the Update button next to a payment plan.




Next, scroll down to the section titled When does the subscription start?

Here, you can decide whether

(1) subscriptions created through this payment plan start on your client's first visit or

(2) on the first visit or first of the month if their first visit is during the first week of the month.




Once you've selected a setting, scroll down and click the Update button to save the payment plan's settings. 




Finally, scroll down and click the Update button to save your service's payment plan settings.  

