Can I limit how many service credits are issued?

The article explains how to limit the issuance of service credits per subscription. It advises navigating to the specific service in the platform and accessing the Cancellation tab.

Yes. In, service credits are issued on a per-subscription basis in accordance with the corresponding service's cancellation settings. Issuance of service credits can be limited in various ways.


To limit how service credits can be issued per subscription, navigate to the service for which you wish to limit the number of service credits issued.

Then navigate to the Cancellation tab.




You can limit the number of service credits issued for both client-requested cancellations and client-requested late cancellations.


To set a cap on the number of service credits issued per subscription, click the Edit button (the pencil icon) next to the type of visit cancellation for which you wish to set a limit.


In the example below, cancellation policies for visit cancellations (i.e. regular client cancellations) will be configured. 




The issuance of service credits can be restricted using three parameters defined by the settings listed below:


1. Should there be a per-subscription cap on the number of service credits issued for regular client cancellations? - this parameter defines the maximum number of service credits per subscription a client may accumulate due to regular (i.e. not late) client cancellations.

Once the limit has been reached, future regular client cancellations will not issue service credits until the accumulated service credits are used.


2. Should a service credit issued for a regular client cancellation have a validity period? - this parameter defines the validity period for credits issued due to regular (i.e. not late) client cancellations.

The validity period begins when the credit is issued (the corresponding lesson is canceled).

Once the validity period is over the credit will automatically expire and will be removed from the client's account.


3. Should there be a per-subscription cap on the number of service credits issued for regular client cancellations within a time period? - this parameter defines how many service credits may be issued due to regular (i.e. not late) client cancellations during the specified time period.


In the example below, a client may not be issued more than (2) service credits due to regular client cancellations within any 90-day window.




If you are manually adding service credits to your client's profile and want them to count against per-subscription caps on service credits, tie the service credit to your client's subscription before adding it to their account:

