How do I update multiple services at the same time?

Filter for services by name or service tag, click the 'Batch Update' button and select which attributes to update's Batch Update for services feature allows you update multiple services at once. 

To batch update your services, first navigate to the Services page by going to Settings > Services from the main menu.

Next, filter for the subset of services you wish to update. You can do so by service name (e.g. searching "guitar") or by service tag (e.g. selecting "private lesson" and "guitar" tags).

Note: only services of the same type can be batch updated together.

Optionally, you can use the checkboxes on the left side of the screen in list view to select individual services to batch update. 

Once you have your services filtered for/selected, click the Batch Update button. Here, you can select service attribute(s) to batch update. You may select more than one attribute at a time. Next, update the attributes you wish to update, then click the Batch Update button to save your changes. 

To learn about using batch update for payment plans, click here.