Adding Files To Event Attributes For Backing Tracks / Accompaniment supports uploading files to your event-based services (recitals, concerts, etc.) to use for accompaniments, backing tracks, etc. To create an event attribute for uploading files, navigate to your events-based service and click Edit Event.

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Then select Add Attribute.

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Give your attribute a name ("backing track" below), then select File/URL. If you want your file/link to appear in the program, toggle Appear in the program.

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Next, navigate to a session of your events-based service. On an event performance slot, click the space beneath your file attribute ("backing track" below) - then select either click to provide a link to add a URL to the event performance slot or - 

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Click Click to upload a file to upload a file to the event performance slot.
Note: Each file needs to have a maximum file size of 200MB.

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You can also provide a link to a file hosted on an external site (e.g. Youtube). Click the link button (the chain icon) to upload a link.   

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