A Guide to Location / Room Utilization Reporting

This article will serve as a guide to Opus1.io's Location and Room Utilization Reporting tool.

The location / room utilization report is only available to premium-tier customers. If you have questions about whether you qualify, reach out to support@opus1.io or via live chat

This article will go over how to:

Set Target Daily Utilization Hours

Filter by Day

Set a Date Range

Filter by rooms per location 

Gather more details by hovering over a teacher's name

Understand Warnings 


Start by navigating to the Location/Room Utilization tab 

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 2.33.57 PM

Set Target Daily Utilization Hours

Here, you can define the number of target daily utilization hours:

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 2.38.30 PM


Filter by Day

Use the dropdown menu to select certain days or "ALL" days:

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 4.33.52 PM

Set a Date Range

The date range filter allows you to define what range of appointments/sessions count against room utilization. 

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 2.38.30 PM-1

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 2.47.54 PM

When you choose a date, the data you receive will correspond to the entire week containing that date. For example, if you select Wednesday, you'll see data spanning from Sunday to Saturday of that particular week.

Filter by Rooms per Location 

You can select rooms specific to each location to view:

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 4.34.28 PM

Hover over teacher to gather more details

When you hover your mouse over a specific teacher's name, you'll see a breakdown of:

  • The services taught by that teacher in that room 
  • How much time the teacher is occupying that room

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 4.25.19 PM

Understand Warnings 

If there are any overlapping appointment or session dates, Opus1.io will indicate so with a warning icon as shown below: 

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 4.29.35 PM